Have you ever wondered what’s involved in reviving a forgotten opera? How we pick our singers? Or how long it takes to prepare for our recording sessions? Whatever your questions may be, we invite you to share them with us here at Ask Opera Rara where we take you behind the scenes with our team of experts who will answer your questions in a myriad of ways including by video, social media, or blog post.

Use the form below or email us at ask@opera-rara.com where you can also share images of your recording collections or from past Opera Rara events which, with your permission, we may publish on social media.

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We are collecting questions from our audience that we can put to our rare opera experts to answer.
We are also collecting stories from Opera Rara's audiences - this might be memories of a concert, a recording, how you found out about us or anything else you think we might like to know.
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