Puccini: Le Willis


1 disc set
Single Track Download

Get 50% off Opera Rara’s recording of LE WILLIS when you buy the album of ZINGARI!

Opera Rara’s recording of Le Willis (1884) – the company’s first Puccini title – gives listeners the chance to hear Puccini’s first opera as it has not been heard for more than 120 years. Making use of the latest Ricordi edition, Sir Mark Elder conducts a star cast that features Ermonela Jaho in her second recording with Opera Rara and introduces Armenian tenor Arsen Soghomonyan in his recording debut. This boxset includes the two celebrated arias that were added to the revised two-act version of Le Villi and showcases the young and prodigiously talented composer, aged only 24 at the time, in his first exploration of operatic drama.


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  1. Le Willis Preludio Sir Mark Elder, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Opera Rara Soloists and Chorus Buy Track 0:35
  2. Le Willis Coro d’introduzione “Evviva I fidanzati” (Chorus, Guglielmo) Sir Mark Elder, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Opera Rara Soloists and Chorus Buy Track 0:35
  3. Le Willis Duetto “Non esser, Anna mia” (Roberto, Anna) Sir Mark Elder, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Opera Rara Soloists and Chorus Buy Track 0:35
  4. Le Willis “Tu dell’infanzia mia” (Roberto, Anna) Sir Mark Elder, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Opera Rara Soloists and Chorus Buy Track 0:35
  5. Le Willis “Presto! Presto in viaggio!’ (Chorus, Roberto, Anna) Sir Mark Elder, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Opera Rara Soloists and Chorus Buy Track 0:35
  6. *** FREE STREAMING *** Le Willis, La Preghiera “Angiol di Dio” (Guglielmo, Anna, Roberto, Chorus) Sir Mark Elder, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Opera Rara Soloists and Chorus Buy Track 6:11
  7. Le Willis L’abbandono Sir Mark Elder, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Opera Rara Soloists and Chorus Buy Track 0:35
  8. Le Willis La tregenda Sir Mark Elder, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Opera Rara Soloists and Chorus Buy Track 0:35
  9. Le Willis “No! Possibil non è che invendicata” (Guglielmo) Sir Mark Elder, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Opera Rara Soloists and Chorus Buy Track 0:35
  10. Le Willis “Anima santa della figlia mia” (Guglielmo) Sir Mark Elder, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Opera Rara Soloists and Chorus Buy Track 0:35
  11. Le Willis “Ei giunge! Anna!” (Chorus, Roberto, Anna) Sir Mark Elder, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Opera Rara Soloists and Chorus Buy Track 0:35
  12. Le Willis “Tu dell’infanzia mia” (Anna, Roberto, Guglielmo, Chorus) Sir Mark Elder, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Opera Rara Soloists and Chorus Buy Track 0:35
  13. Appendix - Le Villi Scena e Romanza di Anna “Se come voi piccina io fossi, o vaghi fior” (Anna, Roberto) Sir Mark Elder, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Opera Rara Soloists and Chorus Buy Track 0:35
  14. Appendix Le Villi Scena drammatica e Romanza di Roberto “Ei giunge!... Ecco la casa...’ (Chorus, Roberto) Sir Mark Elder, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Opera Rara Soloists and Chorus Buy Track 0:35
  15. Appendix Le Villi Scena drammatica e Romanza di Roberto “Torna ai felici dì” (Roberto, Chorus) Sir Mark Elder, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Opera Rara Soloists and Chorus Buy Track 0:35


Opera Rara’s recording of Le Willis (1884) – the company’s first Puccini title – gives listeners the chance to hear Puccini’s first opera as it has not been heard for more than 120 years. Making use of the latest Ricordi edition, Sir Mark Elder conducts a star cast that features Ermonela Jaho in her second recording with Opera Rara and introduces Armenian tenor Arsen Soghomonyan in his recording debut. This boxset includes the two celebrated arias that were added to the revised two-act version of Le Villi and showcases the young and prodigiously talented composer, aged only 24 at the time, in his first exploration of operatic drama.


Anna ............................................ Ermonela Jaho
Roberto ......................................... Arsen Soghomonyan
Guglielmo ...................................... Brian Mulligan

Opera Rara Chorus
London Philharmonic Orchestra
Sir Mark Elder, conductor
Studio recording from the Henry Wood Hall, London, November 2018


1 Preludio
2 Coro d’introduzione “Evviva I fidanzati” (Chorus, Guglielmo)
3 Duetto “Non esser, Anna mia” (Roberto, Anna)
4 “Tu dell’infanzia mia” (Roberto, Anna)
5 Preghiera “Presto! Presto in viaggio!’ (Chorus, Roberto, Anna)
6 Preghiera “Angiol di Dio” (Guglielmo, Anna, Roberto, Chorus)
7 L’abbandono
8 La tregenda
9 Preludio e scena “No! Possibil non è che invendicata” (Guglielmo)
10 “Anima santa della figlia mia” (Guglielmo)
11 Scena finale “Ei giunge! Anna!” (Chorus, Roberto, Anna)
12 “Tu dell’infanzia mia” (Anna, Roberto, Guglielmo, Chorus)
13 Appendix Scena e Romanza di Anna “Se come voi piccina io fossi, o vaghi fior” (Anna, Roberto)
14 Appendix Scena drammatica e Romanza di Roberto “Ei giunge!… Ecco la casa…’ (Chorus, Roberto)
15 Appendix Scena drammatica e Romanza di Roberto “Torna ai felici dì” (Roberto, Chorus)


It is spring in the Black Forest. Roberto and Anna are celebrating their engagement with family and friends (No. 2: Introductory Chorus). Everyone is cheerful, except Anna. Roberto must go to Mainz before the ceremony but Anna has a dream that she will die waiting for his return. Roberto tells Anna that she should not worry and that she may doubt anything but not his love for her (No. 3: Duet). Before leaving, Roberto asks Anna’s father Guglielmo for his blessing (No. 4: The Prayer).

In Mainz, Roberto is seduced by a courtesan and forgets about Anna, who dies of a broken heart, turning into a Willi. According to the legend, the Willis will force the heartbreaker to dance until death (Nos. 5a & 5b: Orchestral interlude).

It is winter now, and Guglielmo, still mourning his daughter, asks the Willis to avenge Anna (No. 6: Prelude and Guglielmo’s scene). When Roberto returns to the forest, Anna’s spirit appears and speaks of the sorrows she has experienced. Roberto asks for forgiveness, but Anna compels Roberto to dance until he dies (No. 7: Final Scene).


È primavera nella Foresta Nera. Roberto e Anna festeggiano il loro fidanzamento insieme a parenti e amici (N. 2: Coro d’introduzione). Tra l’allegria generale, la fidanzata è triste: Roberto deve andare a Magonza prima della cerimonia e Anna ha sognato che morirà in attesa del suo ritorno. Il fidanzato la esorta a non preoccuparsi e a non dubitare mai del suo amore (N. 3: Duetto di Anna e Roberto). Prima di allontanarsi, Roberto chiede la benedizione di Guglielmo, padre di Anna (N. 4: Preghiera).

A Magonza Roberto viene sedotto da una cortigiana e dimentica Anna, che muore di dolore e si trasforma in una Willi. Secondo la leggenda, le Willi obbligano l’uomo che le ha tradite a ballare fino alla morte. (N. 5a e 5b: Intermezzo sinfonico).

Adesso è inverno e Guglielmo, ancora in lutto per la figlia, chiede alle Willi di vendicare Anna (N. 6: Preludio e Scena di Guglielmo). Quando Roberto ritorna nella foresta, compare lo spirito di Anna e descrive i dolori che ha sofferto. Roberto chiede perdono, ma Anna lo obbliga a ballare fino alla morte (N. 7: Scena finale).


Im Schwarzwald ist es Frühling. Roberto und Anna feiern mit ihrer Familie und ihren Freunden ihre Verlobung (Nr. 2: Introduktion). Alle sind ausgelassen, bis auf Anna: Roberto muss vor der Hochzeit noch nach Mainz fahren, und im Traum sah sie sich beim Warten auf seine Rückkehr sterben. Roberto beschwört sie, sich keine Sorgen zu machen, sie dürfe nicht an seiner Liebe zweifeln (Nr. 3: Duett). Vor seiner Abreise bittet er Annas Vater Guglielmo um seinen Segen (Nr. 4: Gebet).

In Mainz wird Roberto von einer Kurtisane verführt und vergisst Anna, die an gebrochenem Herzen stirbt und zu einer der Willis wird. Der Legende nach zwingen diese Geister den Herzensbrecher, sich zu Tode zu tanzen (Nr. 5a und 5b: Intermezzo).

Es ist Winter geworden. Guglielmo, der noch um seine Tochter trauert, bittet die Willis, Anna zu rächen (Nr. 6: Vorspiel und Guglielmos Szene). Als Roberto ins Dorf zurückkehrt, erscheint der Geist Annas vor ihm und schildert den Kummer, den sie erlitten hat. Roberto bittet sie um Vergebung, doch Anna zwingt ihn zu tanzen, bis er tot zusammenbricht (Nr. 7: Schlussszene).


La Forêt-Noire au printemps. Roberto et Anna fêtent leur fiançailles en compagnie de leurs proches (n° 2: Choeur inaugural). Tous sont en liesse, à l’exception d’Anna. Roberto doit se rendre à Mayence avant la cérémonie de mariage et Anna a rêvé qu’elle mourrait avant son retour. Roberto la rassure en lui disant qu’elle peut douter de tout, sauf de l’amour qu’il lui porte (n° 3: Duo). Avant son départ, Roberto demande au père d’Anna, Guglielmo, de lui accorder sa bénédiction (n° 4: La Prière).

À Mayence, Roberto se laisse séduire par une courtisane. Il en oublie Anna, qui meurt de chagrin et rejoint les Willis, créatures dont la légende dit qu’elles ont le pouvoir de faire danser jusqu’à la mort les traîtres à l’amour (n° 5a et 5b: Intermezzo symphonique).

L’hiver venu, Guglielmo, qui pleure toujours sa fille, en appelle aux Willis pour venger Anna (n°6 : Prélude et Aria de Guglielmo). À son retour dans la Forêt-Noire, Roberto voit Anna venue en esprit lui conter les souffrances qu’elle a endurées. Robert la supplie en vain de le pardonner et elle l’entraîne dans une danse débridée qui le conduit à la mort (n° 7: Le Dénouement).

Press Reviews

Le Willis is more than a historical curiosity: not to hear it would mean missing out on some of Puccini’s best music. Not only superbly sung and conducted, the recording also contributes to our understanding of the genesis of the composer’s unique creative talent.


Opera Rara is doing more for Italian opera than any other Italian recording label at the moment turning its attention now to the original version of Puccini’s Le Willis… Sir Mark Elder highlights the very careful and descriptive nature of the composer’s score, revealing some splendid symphonic moments… Ermonela Jaho’s Anna is a fully-rounded and intense interpretation. Eloquence, fantastic diction, melodic care, expressive crescendos all add to the dramatic development of the character embodied by the great soprano-actress without fail.


Mark Elder conducts a star cast in the original one-act version of Le Willis… Opera Rara, half a century old next year, is a goldmine for anyone on a quest for rarities… Unlikely to be staged, this is the ideal way to explore Puccini’s youthful gift for lyricism and melody and to hear how, even in his early 20s, despite the static drama, he could shape a duet into a heartfelt emotional episode.

The Observer

The sensitivity and emotion this opera contains are equally as captivating as those aspects found in his later works. Opera Rara’s dazzling product, in its unadulterated version, is an imperative keep-sake for all Puccini fans.


Opera Rara live up to their reputation with this new title… It’s a recording to cherish…The great Albanian soprano Ermonela Jaho sings fantastically as Anna and her Roberto is the impressive young Armenian tenor Arsen Soghomonyan. The drama is over before you realize it but what wonderful music it is.



Awards & Accolades

  • BBC Music Magazine Awards 2020 Finalist; Opera Choice November 2019
  • Limelight Opera Recording of the Year 2019 Nomination
  • Presto Music, Recordings of the Year 2019 – Our Top 100; Editor’s Choice September 2019
  • The Sunday Times Album of the Week September 2019