- Rita: Prelude Donizetti, G. Buy Track 0:34
- Rita: De mon auberge ainsi Donizetti, G. Buy Track 0:34
- Rita: En vérité, tout m’a réussi depuis que… Donizetti, G. Buy Track 0:34
- Rita: C’est elle, je frémis Donizetti, G. Buy Track 0:34
- Rita: Voilà ce que c’est que d’acheter chat… Donizetti, G. Buy Track 0:34
- Rita: Mon ménage pour modèle Donizetti, G. Buy Track 0:34
- Rita: Aussi quand je la battais c’était… Donizetti, G. Buy Track 0:34
- Rita: Il me vient une idée… Donizetti, G. Buy Track 0:34
- Rita: Ah! ah! ah! Il paraît mon ancient… Donizetti, G. Buy Track 0:34
- Rita: Tra la la la la la la la la… Donizetti, G. Buy Track 0:34
- Rita: Tu parais bien gai… Donizetti, G. Buy Track 0:34
- Rita: Ô chère âme ! Chère femme ! Donizetti, G. Buy Track 0:34
- Rita: Qu’est-ce que c’est… où vais-tu... ? Donizetti, G. Buy Track 0:34
- Rita: Il est manchot ! Donizetti, G. Buy Track 0:34
- Rita: Je vais chercher mes armes, mon brave… Donizetti, G. Buy Track 0:34
- Rita: Mais il faut à mon programme Donizetti, G. Buy Track 0:34
Donizetti: Rita (Deux hommes et une femme)
Marking Opera Rara’s 50th full opera recording, Donizetti’s opéra-comique of 1841 Rita was notably the composer’s only complete opera to be premiered posthumously. Opera Rara present the opera in its original French language using a recent edition created from Donizetti’s complete autograph score and a manuscript libretto with autograph annotations discovered only in the last couple of decades. Sir Mark Elder conducts the Hallé with Katarina Karnéus as Rita, Barry Banks as Pepé and Christopher Maltman as Gasparo making up the three-character cast.
Marking Opera Rara’s 50th full opera recording, Donizetti’s opéra-comique of 1841 Rita was notably the composer’s only complete opera to be premiered posthumously. Opera Rara present the opera in its original French language using a recent edition created from Donizetti’s complete autograph score and a manuscript libretto with autograph annotations discovered only in the last couple of decades. Sir Mark Elder conducts the Hallé with Katarina Karnéus as Rita, Barry Banks as Pepé and Christopher Maltman as Gasparo making up the three-character cast.
Katarina Karnéus, Barry Banks, Christopher Maltman, The Hallé, Sir Mark Elder
RITA has married an unassertive bumpkin, Pepé, believing that her first husband, Gasparo, has drowned at sea. Gasparo arrives unexpectedly at Rita’s inn to check out a rumour that Rita has died. Pepé recognises the name on his passport and sees in the stranger a means of escaping his temperamental Rita, who often beats him. Gasparo, who has been planning to marry a Canadian
girl, cajoles Pepé into suggesting a game of morra and then into drawing straws to see which of them wins the wife neither of them wants. When Pepé accuses Gasparo of cheating, Gasparo shows him the long straw, and for a while Pepé has the illusion of freedom. Gasparo tries to persuade Pepé, apparently in vain,
that a husband should stand up to his wife. By pretending to have a useless arm, Gasparo provokes Pepé into fighting him. At the sight of her husband asserting himself, Rita, who has not only dealt out blows to Pepé but received them from Gasparo, is as happy to be reunited with Pepé as Gasparo is contented, having gained possession of his old marriage-licence, to return to Canada.
Im Glauben, dass ihr erster Mann, Gasparo, auf See umgekommen ist, hat Rita den schwächlichen Tölpel Beppe geheiratet. Unerwartet taucht Gaspar in Ritas Gasthaus auf, ihm ist das Gerücht zu Ohren gekommen, dass Rita gestorben sei. Beppe erkennt den Namen des Fremden in seinem Pass und betrachtet dessen Erscheinen als willkommene Möglichkeit, seiner temperamentvollen Rita zu entkommen, die ihn häufig schlägt. Gasparo, der ein kanadisches Mädchen heiraten möchte, bringt Beppe dazu vorzuschlagen, dass sie Mora spielen und dann Strohhalme ziehen, um zu entscheiden, wer die Ehefrau gewinnt, die keiner von ihnen haben will. Als Beppe Gasparo des Betrugs bezichtigt, zeigt Gasparo ihm den langen Strohhalm, und eine Weile glaubt Beppe frohlockend, er habe seine Freiheit wiedererlangt. Dann will Gasparo ihn überzeugen, dass ein Mann zu seiner Frau stehen muss, doch vergebens. Zu guter Letzt tut er so, als könnte er nur einen Arm gebrauchen, und provoziert Beppe zu einer Rauferei. Als Rita sieht, dass ihr Mann sich zu wehren versteht, freut sie sich, wieder mit Beppe vereint zu sein, denn die Prügel, die sie ihm versetzte, musste sie ihrerseits von Gasparo einstecken. Und Gasparo freut sich ebenfalls, denn nun ist er im Besitz seines alten Heiratsvertrags und kann nach Kanada zurückkehren.
Convaincue que son mari, Gasparo, a péri en mer, Rita a épousé un petit paysan craintif, Pepé. Un beau jour, Gasparo arrive à l’improviste à l’auberge que tient Rita pour vérifier qu’elle est bien morte comme le dit la rumeur. Pepé reconnaît l’étranger à son passeport et voit dans son arrivée le moyen d’échapper à sa
mégère de femme qui le bat sans merci. Gasparo, qui souhaite épouser une Canadienne, persuade gentiment Pepé de jouer Rita – dont ils ne veulent ni l’un ni l’autre – à la mourre, puis à qui perd gagne. Bien qu’accusé de tricher, c’est Gasparo qui tire la longue paille, donnant ainsi momentanément à Pepé l’espoir
de recouvrer sa liberté. Gasparo essaie vainement de convaincre Pepé, qu’un mari ne doit pas se laisser dominer par sa femme. Prétendant qu’il a un bras infirme, Gasparo pousse Pepé à se battre avec lui. À la vue de son mari plein d’assurance, Rita, qui n’a pas oublié le temps où Gasparo la rouait de coups, se réconcilie avec Pepé, tandis que Gasparo, qui a récupéré la preuve de son premier certificat de mariage, repart pour le Canada.
Convinta che il suo primo marito, Gasparo, sia annegato, Rita ha sposato Pepé, uno zotico smidollato. All’improvviso nella locanda di Rita arriva Gasparo: gli è giunta la voce che Rita è morta e vuole verificarla. Pepé riconosce il nome sul passaporto e vede nello sconosciuto un modo per sfuggire alla capricciosa moglie, che spesso lo picchia. Gasparo, che desidera sposare una Canadese, convince Pepé prima a giocare a morra e poi a tirare a sorte dei fili
di paglia per stabilire a chi affidare la moglie che nessuno dei due vuole. Quando Pepé accusa Gasparo di barare, Gasparo gli mostra di aver preso il filo lungo e per un po’ Pepé si illude di essere libero. Gasparo cerca di convincere Pepé, apparentemente invano, che un marito debba imporsi sulla moglie. Fingendo di avere un braccio fuori uso, Gasparo sfida Pepé a una lotta. Vedendo il marito reagire Rita, che oltre a picchiare Pepé è stata picchiata da Gasparo, è ben felice di riunirsi con Pepé. Altrettanto contento è Gasparo che adesso può tornare in Canada, dopo aver recuperato la sua vecchia licenza di matrimonio.
Press Reviews
Trust Opera Rara to exhume something special in its exploration of the French repertory
An extremely enjoyable listen… The packaging, by the way, is of a standard which no other company emulates, though all should. The singers make a great team, but what makes it so much fun is Mark Elder’s immersion in the work, which sounds almost as if it was Haydn on top form. The Hallé is impeccably idiomatic… this is an ideal production.
Thanks to some superb singing, this irresistible recording from Opera Rara makes a compelling case for Donizetti’s neglected comic opera… If there’s any justice in the world, it will find greater appreciation after this irresistible recording from Opera Rara, based on a recently-discovered original libretto…
Opera Rara have done their usual superb job with recording and packaging… It’s late Donizetti, therefore it’s tuneful and crafted. Orchestra and conductor couldn’t be bettered and the three principals are first rate.
Opera Rara is virtually the only company still making studio recordings of complete operas, while seeking a perfection of performance in respect of vocal, stylistic and textual authenticity… Katarina Karnéus, Barry Banks and Christopher Maltman bring Rita to life with infectious spirit.
Awards & Accolades
- Manchester Evening News Top CDs of 2015