- Ouverture London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 1: Introduction 'Entrez messieurs et dames' (Chorus, le Directeur) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 1: Introduction 'Ce chateau mis en loterie' (Chorus) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 1: Introduction 'Messieurs, pretez-moi vos oreilles' (Tremolini, Chorus) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 1: Dialogue 'Eh bien, Papa, il n'y a donc pas de seance?' (Regina, Cabriolo, Paola, Zanetta) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 1: Couplets du nez casse 'Ah! quel malheur!' (Zanetta, Regina, Paola, Tremolini, Cabriolo) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 1: Dialogue 'La princesse de Trebizonde, la merveille de ma collection!' (Cabriolo, Regina, Tremolini, Paola) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:25
- Act 1: Chanson 'Quand je suis sur la corde raide' (Regina) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 1: Dialogue 'C'est bon! La representation va commencer!' (Cabriolo, Regina, Sparadrap, Raphael) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 1: Romance des tourterelles 'Une jeune fille passait' (Raphael) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 1: Dialogue 'Mais comment? Vouz n'avez pas d'argent!' (Sparadrap, Raphael) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 1: Finale 'Ah! Ce spectacle etait charmant!' London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 1: Finale 'Treize cent treize' (Chorus, Cabriolo, Zanetta, Regina) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 1: Finale 'Adieu, patron, moi je vous quitte' (Tremolini, Cabriolo, Regina, Paola) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 1: Finale 'Adieu baraque hereditaire!' (Zanetta, Regina, Paola, Tremolini, Cabriolo, Chorus) *** FOCUS TRACK *** London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 2: Entracte to Act 2 London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 2: Dialogue 'Ah! Dame! On rit pas souvent ici' (Regina, Paola, Cabriolo, Zanetta) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 2: Quintette des assiettes 'Oh! Oui, c'etait le bon temps!' (Cabriolo, Tremolini, Zanetta, Regina, Paola) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 2: Dialogue 'Oh! J'avais besoin de ca!' (Cabriolo, Regina, Paola, Tremolini, Raphael, Zanetta, Sparadrap, le Prince) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 2: Choeur de chasse 'Voila un tas de chasseurs' (Cabriolo, Chorus, Paola, Zanetta, Regina, Tremolini) London Philharmonic mic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 2: Dialogue 'Ils s'eloignent!' (Raphael) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:14
- Act 2: Duo 'La voila!' (Raphael, Zanetta) *** SINGLE TRACK AVAILABLE FROM 25 AUGUST 2023 *** London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 2: Dialogue 'Oui, mon cher amour' (Raphael, Zanetta, le Prince, Sparadrap) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 2: Couplets de la canne 'Me maquille-je comme on dit' (Le Prince) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 2: Dialogue 'Vous etes bien connu, Prince' (Sparadrap, le Prince, Raphael) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 2: Couplets 'Elle est peinte admirablement' (Raphael) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 2: Dialogue 'Quand tu auras ta princesse' (Le Prince, Raphael, Paola, Cabriolo) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 2: Finale 'Quoi? C'est le prince Casimir!' (Chorus, le Prince, Cabriolo, Regina, Zanetta, Tremolini, Sparadrap, Paola) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 2: Finale 'Femme du grand Rhotomago' (Zanetta, Chorus) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 2: Finale 'Mon bonheur est complet’ (Chorus) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 3: Entracte to Act 3 London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 3: Choeur des pages 'Ah! Quel ennui! Quel sot metier!' (Les pages) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 3, Couplets des pages ‘Cet enfant manquait d’audace’ (Brocoli, Francesco, Flaminio, Riccardi, Borghetto, Finocchio) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 3, Dialogue ‘Mon papa part pour la chasse aux flambeaux’ (Raphael) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:15
- Act 3: Romance 'Fleur qui se fane avant d'eclore' (Raphael) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 3: Dialogue ‘Tada! Nous voila en fete!’ (Cabriolo, Zanetta, Regina, Paola, Tremolini, Sparadrap) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:25
- Act 3: Choeur and Couplets 'Voila le prince Casimir' (Cabriolo, Chorus, le Prince, Sparadrap, Raphael) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 3: Dialogue 'Vive le prince Casimir!' London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:22
- Act 3, Ariette du mal de dents ‘D’où vient cette crise soudaine?’ (Le Prince, Raphael, Zanetta, Regina, Paola, Tremolini, Sparadrap, Chorus) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 3, ‘Tu souffres donc beaucoup?’ (Zanetta, Raphael, le Prince, Chorus) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:06
- Act 3, ‘Ah! C’est trop souffrir’ (Chorus) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:23
- Act 3, Dialogue ‘Regina! Ton pere!’ (Tremolini, Regina) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:21
- Act 3, Duo de l’enlevement ‘Moment fatal, helas!’ (Tremolini, Regina) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 3, Ronde des pages ‘Faisons notre ronde’ (Pages) *** SINGLE TRACK AVAILABLE FROM 8 SEPTEMBER 2023 *** London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 3, Dialogue ‘Ah! J’entends le craquement d’une chaussure’ (Paola, Regina, Zanetta, Sparadrap, Tremolini, Raphael) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 3, Morceau d’ensemble ‘Nous voila! Nous voila! Nous voila!’ (les pages, Sparadrap, Raphael, Zanetta, Tremolini) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 3, Morceau d’ensemble ‘O malvoisie’ (Raphael, Zanetta, Regina, Sparadrap, Tremolini, Chorus’ London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 3, Morceau d’ensemble ‘La la la la!!’ (Chorus) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 3, Dialogue ‘Ecoutez, on a frappe!’ (Paola, le Prince, Sparadrap, Raphael, Regina, Cabriolo) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Act 3, Finale ‘Allons! Mariez-vous tous!’ (le Prince, Zanetta, Chorus) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Appendix: La Princesse de Trebizonde (Baden-Baden original version), Act 1, Choeur et scene ‘Fetons l’anniversaire’ (Chorus, Cicognini, jeunes filles, Cabriolo, le Baron, Regina, Paola) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Offenbach: La Princesse de Trebizonde (Baden-Baden original version), Act 1, Couplets de Zanetta ‘Pardon papa!’ (Zanetta) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Offenbach: La Princesse de Trebizonde (Baden-Baden original version), Act 1, Romance de Raphael ‘Elle agitait son eventail’ (Raphael) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Offenbach: La Princesse de Trebizonde (Baden-Baden original version), Act 1, Quatuor ‘Oh les belles femmes!’ (Sparadrap, Casimir, Regina, Paola) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Offenbach: La Princesse de Trebizonde (Baden-Baden original version), Entracte de l’acte II London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Offenbach: La Princesse de Trebizonde (Baden-Baden original version), Act 2, Choeur et ensemble ‘Non! Rien ne vaut ce musee’ (Chorus, Tremolini, Pietro, Carlo, Peppo, Horcio) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Offenbach: La Princesse de Trebizonde (Baden-Baden original version), Act 2, Duo avec choeur ‘Quand un papa part’ (Zanetta, Raphael, Chorus) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
- Offenbach: La Princesse de Trebizonde (Baden-Baden original version), Act 2 Trio du melon ‘Que c’est bon le melon’ (Regina, Tremolini, Zanetta, Raphael) London Philharmonic Orchestra / Paul Daniel Buy Track 0:32
Offenbach: La Princesse de Trebizonde, Act 1, Finale ‘Ah! Ce spectacle etait charmant!’ (Chorus, Zanetta, Cabriolo, Tremolini, Regina, le Directeur)
A travelling circus, an innocent prince in love with a waxwork and a lottery ticket to win a magnificent castle… What could possibly go wrong? The delightful opera La Princesse de Trébizonde (1869) is packed with irresistible melodies finely crafted with delicate harmonies and inventive orchestration characteristic of Offenbach’s style.
Conductor Paul Daniel leads an all-star cast including Virginie Verrez and Anne-Catherine Gillet in this premiere recording of Jean-Christophe Keck’s critical edition.
This recording also includes several extracts from the Baden-Baden original version.
A travelling circus, an innocent prince in love with a waxwork and a lottery ticket to win a magnificent castle… What could possibly go wrong? The delightful opera La Princesse de Trébizonde (1869) is packed with irresistible melodies finely crafted with delicate harmonies and inventive orchestration characteristic of Offenbach’s style.
Following the award-winning releases of Robinson Crusoe (1993), Vert-Vert (2009) and Fantasio (2015, Opera Rara presents its 4th complete opera recording by Jacques Offenbach, whose pioneering work influenced greatly many composers in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Conductor Paul Daniel leads an all-star cast including Virginie Verrez and Anne-Catherine Gillet in this premiere recording of Jean-Christophe Keck’s critical edition.
This recording also includes several extracts from the Baden-Baden original version.
Jacques Offenbach
Opéra-bouffe in three acts
Text by Charles Nuitter and Étienne Tréfeu
Offenbach Edition Keck
Dialogue edited by Jeremy Sams
Paris version premiered on 7 December 1869, Théâtre des Bouffes-Parisiens
Appendices: original version premiered on 31 July 1869, Theater Baden-Baden
ZANETTA, Cabriolo’s daughter .................................................................. Anne-Catherine Gillet
PRINCE RAPHAEL, Prince Casimir’s son .............................................................. Virginie Verrez
REGINA .............................................................................................................. Antoinette Dennefeld
PAOLA, Cabriolo’s sister ................................................................................................ Katia Ledoux
CABRIOLO ...................................................................................................................... Christophe Gay
PRINCE CASIMIR .................................................................................................................. Josh Lovell
TREMOLINI ........................................................................................................ Christophe Mortagne
SPARADRAP, tutor of Prince Raphael............................................................................... Loïc Félix
THE LOTTERY DIRECTOR ....................................................................................................... Loïc Félix
PAGES, YOUNG GIRLS ......................... Inna Husieva (Brocoli), Monica McGhee (Francesco)
Aleksandra Chernenko (Flaminio), Siân Griffiths (Riccardi)
Beth Moxon (Borghetto), Joanna Harries, Anika-France Forget (Finocchini)
Villagers, hunters, circus folk, etc .................................................................... Opera Rara Chorus (Stephen Harris, chorus director)
London Philharmonic Orchestra (Ania Safonova, guest leader)
Paul Daniel, conductor
Recorded at Henry Wood Hall, London, September 2022
- Overture
- Act 1, Introduction ‘Entrez, messieurs et dames’ (Chorus, le Directeur)
- Act 1, Introduction ‘Ce chateau mis en loterie’ (Chorus)
- Act 1, Introduction ‘Messieurs, pretez-moi vos oreilles’ (Tremolini, chorus)
- Act 1, Dialogue ‘Eh bien, Papa, il n’y a donc pas de seance?’ (Regina, Cabriolo, Paola, Zanetta)
- Act 1, Couplets du nez casse ‘Ah quel malheur!’ (Zanetta, Regina, Paola, Tremolini, Cabriolo)
- Act 1, Dialogue ‘La Princesse de Trebizonde, la merveille de ma collection!’ (Cabriolo, Regina, Tremolini, Paola)
- Act 1, Chanson ‘Quand je suis sur la corde raide’ (Regina)
- Act 1, Dialogue ‘C’est bon! La representation va commencer!’ (Cabriolo, Regina, Sparadrap, Raphael)
- Act 1, Romance des tourterelles ‘Une jeune fille passait’ (Raphael)
- Act 1, Dialogue ‘Mais comment? Vous n’avez pas d’argent!’ (Sparadrap, Raphael)
- Act 1, Finale ‘Ah! Ce spectacle etait charmant!’ (Chorus, Zanetta, Cabriolo, Tremolini, Regina, le Directeur)
- Act 1, Finale ‘Treize cent treize’ (Chorus, Cabriolo, Zanetta, Regina)
- Act 1, Finale ‘Adieu, patron, moi je vous quitte’ (Tremolini, Cabriolo, Regina, Paola)
- Act 1, Finale ‘Adieu, baraque hereditaire!’ (Zanetta, Regina, Paola, Tremolini, Cabriolo, Chorus) *** FOCUS TRACK ***
- Entracte to Act 2
- Act 2, Dialogue ‘Ah! Dame! On rit pas souvent ici’ (Regina, Paola, Cabriolo, Zanetta)
- Act 2, Quintette des assiettes ‘Oh! Oui c’etait le bon temps!’ (Cabriolo, Tremolini, Zanetta, Regina, Paola)
- Act 2, Dialogue ‘Oh! J’avais besoin de ca!’ (Cabriolo, Regina, Paola, Tremolini, Raphael, Zanetta, Sparadrap, le Prince)
- Act 2, Choeur de chasse ‘Voila un tas de chasseurs!’ (Cabriolo, Chorus, Paola, Zanetta, Regina, Tremolini)
- Act 2, Dialogue ‘Ils s’eloignent!’ (Raphael)
- Act 2, Duo ‘La voila!’ (Raphael, Zanetta)
- Act 2, Dialogue ‘Oui, mon cher amour’ (Raphael, Zanetta, le Prince, Sparadrap)
- Act 2, Couplets de la canne ‘Me maquille-je comme on dit!’ (le Prince)
- Act 2, Dialogue ‘Vous etes bien connu, Prince’ (Sparadrap, le Prince, Raphael)
- Act 2, Couplets ‘Elle est peinte admirablement’ (Raphael)
- Act 2, Dialogue ‘Quand tu auras ta princesse’ (Le Prince, Raphael, Paola, Cabriolo)
- Act 2, Finale ‘Quoi, c’est le prince Casimir?’ (Chorus, le Prince, Cabriolo, Regina, Zanetta, Tremolini, Sparadrap, Paola)
- Act 2, Finale ‘Femme du grand Rhotomago’ (Zanetta, Chorus)
- Act 2, Finale ‘Mon bonheur est complet’ (Chorus)
- Entracte to Act 3
- Act 3 Choeur des pages ‘Ah quel ennui! Quel sot metier!’ (Les pages)
- Act 3, Couplets des pages ‘Cet enfant manquait d’audace’ (Brocoli, Francesco, Flaminio, Riccardi, Borghetto, Finocchio)
- Act 3, Dialogue ‘Mon papa part pour la chasse aux flambeaux’ (Raphael)
- Act 3, Romance ‘Fleur qui se fane avant d’eclore’ (Raphael)
- Dialogue ‘Tada! Nous voila en fete!’ (Cabriolo, Zanetta, Regina, Paola, Tremolini, Sparadrap)
- Act 3, Choeur and couplets ‘Voila le prince Casimir’ (Cabriolo, Chorus, le Prince, Sparadrap, Raphael)
- Act 3, Dialogue ‘Vive le prince Casimir!’ (Sparadrap le Prince)
- Act 3, Ariette du mal de dents ‘D’où vient cette crise soudaine?’ (Le Prince, Raphael, Zanetta, Regina, Paola, Tremolini, Sparadrap, Chorus)
- Act 3, ‘Tu souffres donc beaucoup?’ (Zanetta, Raphael, le Prince, Chorus)
- Act 3, ‘Ah! C’est trop souffrir’ (Chorus)
- Act 3, Dialogue ‘Regina! Ton pere!’ (Tremolini, Regina)
- Act 3, Duo de l’enlevement ‘Moment fatal, helas!’ (Tremolini, Regina)
- Act 3, Ronde des pages ‘Faisons notre ronde’ (Pages)
- Act 3, Dialogue ‘Ah! J’entends le craquement d’une chaussure’ (Paola, Regina, Zanetta, Sparadrap, Tremolini, Raphael)
- Act 3, Morceau d’ensemble ‘Nous voila! Nous voila! Nous voila!’ (les pages, Sparadrap, Raphael, Zanetta, Tremolini)
- Act 3, Morceau d’ensemble ‘O malvoisie’ (Raphael, Zanetta, Regina, Sparadrap, Tremolini, Chorus’
- Act 3, Morceau d’ensemble ‘La la la la!!’ (Chorus)
- Act 3, Dialogue ‘Ecoutez, on a frappe!’ (Paola, le Prince, Sparadrap, Raphael, Regina, Cabriolo)
- Act 3, Finale ‘Allons! Mariez-vous tous!’ (le Prince, Zanetta, Chorus)
- Bonus Act 1, Choeur et scene ‘Fetons l’anniversaire’ (Chorus, Cicognini, jeunes filles, Cabriolo, le Baron, Regina, Paola)
- Bonus Act 1, Couplets de Zanetta ‘Pardon papa!’ (Zanetta)
- Bonus Act 1, Romance de Raphael ‘Elle agitait son eventail’ (Raphael)
- Bonus Act 1, Quatuor ‘Oh les belles femmes!’ (Sparadrap, Casimir, Regina, Paola)
- Bonus Entracte de l’acte II
- Bonus Act 2, Choeur et ensemble ‘Non! Rien ne vaut ce musee’ (Chorus, Tremolini, Pietro, Carlo, Peppo, Horcio)
- Bonus Act 2, Duo avec choeur ‘Quand un papa part’ (Zanetta, Raphael, Chorus)
- Bonus Act 2 Trio du melon ‘Que c’est bon le melon’ (Regina, Tremolini, Zanetta, Raphael)
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
Act I A town square
Two attractions are vying for attention in the town square: a lottery offering a splendid castle as top prize and Cabriolo’s travelling funfair. Among his troupe are his sister Paola, his two daughters Regina and Zanetta, and Tremolini, a former servant who once worked for the nobility but left to become a circus performer out of love for Regina.
As well as various tightrope, plate-spinning and juggling acts, the Cabriolo circus boasts an extraordinary waxworks collection. While dusting the figure of the Princess of Trebizond, the showpiece of the collection, Zanetta accidentally breaks its nose. In order to salvage the show, she offers to take the place of the waxwork and wear the Princess’s costume.
The public does not flock to Cabriolo’s circus, preferring the game of chance to the art of tthe circus. As a result, the takings are meagre: a few coins and a lottery ticket (number 1313), sneakily dropped into the cash box by a young visitor, Prince Raphael. While visiting the waxworks, the young man falls madly in love with the figure of the Princess. He is desperate to see her again. The prize draw takes place. Miraculously, the winning ticket is number 1313.
Cabriolo and his family find themselves owners of a castle with an estate, farms, furniture and title.
Act II Cabriolo’s castle
Six months have gone by since the prize draw. The castle’s new owners find that time drags by, and they mope around in their palace, bored. The fact is, they miss their former life as travelling players.
In the distance, a deer hunt can be heard approaching. It is Prince Raphael, who makes a detour to the castle in search of the Princess of Trebizond. When he finally meets Zanetta, he realises she has duped him – but is just as much in love. The girl runs away at the arrival of Raphael’s tutor, Sparadrap, and Prince Casimir, his father, a mad despot who has a nasty habit of breaking canes on the backs of his entourage. His only weakness is his son, to whom he passes on all his whims. And his latest whim is to want to take the waxwork figure of the Princess with him.
Casimir agrees to buy the entire waxwork collection from Cabriolo (including the Princess of Trebizond) and to appoint Cabriolo curator of his museum. Casimir naively believes he has found a healthy distraction to occupy his son and, most importantly, to keep him away from women.
Act III Casimir’s palace
Cabriolo, now Baron Cascatella, and his entire family are living in Casimir’s palace, along with the waxwork collection (including the fake Princess of Trebizond, alias Zanetta), which is guarded by Prince Raphael’s pages. The young men find keeping watch over a waxwork figure all day long utterly ridiculous, and they make fun of ‘that fool Raphael’ for being in love with a
In the meantime, various couples have formed – Tremolini and Regina, Sparadrap and Paola and, of course, Zanetta and Raphael. When night falls, the pairs tryst, and finally they all meet, Raphael having feigned a toothache to avoid going with his father on a torchlight hunt.
He organises a secret banquet. The pages rejoice when Raphael finally tells them the whole story.
The carousing and dancing are brutally interrupted by the return of Casimir, who is furious. The acrobats are unmasked, as is the false Princess of Trebizond. Raphael asks his father for Zanetta’s hand. Not only does Casimir consent, but we learn that he himself was married to an acrobat, the famous ‘Steel Feather’ – Paola’s sister. All’s well that ends well, with a triple wedding.
© Jean-Christophe Keck, 2022
Translation by Ros Schwartz
Press Reviews
“Waxing lyrical: rare Offenbach performance proves a hit… The associated studio recording should be a must-have when released in a year’s time.”
“The stylish revival from Opera Rara boasts a brilliant aria about toothache, a temper tantrum in waltz time and a hilarious plate spinning quintet… Hugely enjoyable and great fun.”
“Offenbach’s La Princesse de Trebizonde is pure delight from Opera Rara”.
“A scintillating concert, and one that whets the appetite for Opera Rara’s recording of La Princesse de Trébizonde due out sometime next year.”
“Virginie Verrez glowed in the trouser role of Prince Raphaël and Anne-Catherine Gillet bounced off the walls as the coquette Zanetta. The whole piece was recorded for release by Opera Rara, and it’s gone straight on to my wish list.”
“By the end of the evening, my feeling that this fun work should have long-since gained admission to the Offenbach club of frequently-performed works was well and truly confirmed.”