Donizetti: L’esule di Roma, N. 7 Scena ed Aria Settimio: ‘S’io finor, bell’idol mio’ (Settimio)


2 disc set
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To celebrate the 225th anniversary of Gaetano Donizetti’s birth, Opera Rara has restored L’esule di Roma (1828), an opera which is considered a milestone in the composer’s illustrious career. Set in Imperial Rome, L’esule di Roma is filled with political conspiracy, romantic intrigue and great sacrifice. Vocal fireworks fly in this opera, punctuating remarkable ensembles and touching arias.

Carlo Rizzi, Opera Rara’s Artistic Director, leads a star cast with Nicola Alaimo in one of Donizetti’s finest roles for bass-baritone, soprano Albina Shagimuratova, The Times’ “new queen of bel canto”, and tenor Sergey Romanovsky in the title role.


To celebrate the 225th anniversary of Gaetano Donizetti’s birth, Opera Rara has restored L’esule di Roma (1828), an opera which is considered a milestone in the composer’s illustrious career. Set in Imperial Rome, L’esule di Roma is filled with political conspiracy, romantic intrigue and great sacrifice. Vocal fireworks fly in this opera, punctuating remarkable ensembles and touching arias.

Carlo Rizzi, Opera Rara’s Artistic Director, leads a star cast with Nicola Alaimo in one of Donizetti’s finest roles for bass-baritone, soprano Albina Shagimuratova, The Times’ “new queen of bel canto”, and tenor Sergey Romanovsky in the title role.


Gaetano Donizetti
ossia Il proscritto

Melodramma eroico in two acts
Libretto by Domenico Gilardoni
Premiered on 1 January 1828, Teatro San Carlo, Naples

Critical edition by Roger Parker and Ian Schofield

MURENA, a Senator ........................................................................................................ Nicola Alaimo
ARGELIA, his daughter ..................................................................................... Albina Shagimuratova
SETTIMIO, formerly a Tribune in exile and now banished ............................... Sergey Romanovsky
PUBLIO, General of the army sent against Sarmatia ............................................... Lluís Calvet i Pey
LEONTINA, Argelia’s confidant and Emilia’s attendant .................................................. Kezia Bienek
LUCIO, a Centurion .................................................................................................... André Henriques
FULVIO, a Decurion .................................................................................................... André Henriques
EMILIA, Argelia’s younger sister ............................................................................................... mute role
Murena’s and Publio’s kinsmen, Argelia’s slaves, People,
Soldiers, Lictor, Priests, Sarmatian prisoners ...................................................... Opera Rara Chorus (Stephen Harris, chorus director)

The action takes place in Rome under the rule of Emperor Tiberius.
Britten Sinfonia (Thomas Gould, leader)
Carlo Rizzi, conductor
Recorded at Fairfield Halls, Croydon, May 2023



N. 1 Introduzione
[1] ‘Publio! È quegli!’ (Chorus)
[2] ‘Eccomi a voi…’ (Murena, Chorus)
[3] ‘Lauro d’eterna gloria’ (Chorus)
[4] ‘Se della patria’ (Publio)
[5] ‘Publio, m’abbraccia…’ (Publio, Murena, Chorus)
[6] ‘A quel Dio’ (Murena, Publio, Chorus)
Dopo l’Introduzione
[7] ‘Del Tebro in sulla riva’ (Publio, Murena)
[8] Allegro Marziale
N. 2 Scena e Cavatina Settimio
[9] ‘Aure di Roma!…’ (Settimio)
[10] ‘Tacqui allor…’ (Settimio)
N. 3 Duetto Argelia e Settimio
[11] ‘La magion di Murena!’ (Settimio, Argelia)
[12] ‘Fia ver?… Oh Ciel!’ (Settimio, Argelia)
Dopo il Duetto Argelia e Settimio
[13] ‘È quei che in vesti misere si avvolge’ (Lucio, Argelia, Settimio, Publio)
[14] ‘Publio ed Argelia si dividon!’ (Murena, Fulvio)
N. 4 Terzetto Murena, Settimio ed Argelia
[15] ‘Ognun rimane’ (Argelia, Settimio)
[16] ‘Nel suol dove vagì’ (Chorus, Argelia)
[17] ‘Cagion del suo terrore’ (Settimio, Argelia)
[18] ‘Murena, il genitor…’ (Argelia, Settimio, Murena)
[19] ‘Ei stesso… La mia vittima…’ (Murena, Settimio, Argelia)
[20] ‘Riedi, Settimio’ (Chorus, Settimio, Murena, Argelia)
[21] ‘Piangi? Ti rasserena…’ (Settimio, Argelia, Murena)


N. 5 Coro, Scena ed Aria Murena
[22] ‘Non v’è… di qua partì…’ (Chorus)
[23] ‘Al mio delitto!… Entra nel Circo’ (Murena, Chorus)
[24] ‘Di Stige il flutto ancor’ (Murena, Chorus)
N. 6 Scena e Duetto
[25] ‘Oh come queste mura’ (Publio, Argelia, Leontina)
[26] ‘Oh cari oggetti!…’ (Murena, Argelia)
[27] ‘Vagiva Emilia ancora…’ (Murena, Argelia)
[28] ‘Porgi que’ fogli…’ (Murena, Argelia)
N. 7 Scena ed Aria Settimio
[29] ‘Nudo terren’ (Settimio)
[30] ‘S’io finor, bell’idol mio’ (Settimio)
[31] ‘Il proscritto!’ (Chorus, Settimio)
N. 8 Scena, Coro e Rondò
[32] ‘Ebben, Lucio?’ (Murena, Lucio)
[33] ‘A un pianto!’ (Chorus)
[34] ‘Ah che indarno Murena’ (Argelia, Chorus)
[35] ‘Ah no!… Tardi, tardi il piè là volgi’ (Argelia)
[36] ‘Morte! Ah pria che l’una’ (Argelia)
[37] ‘Il popol riede…’ (Argelia, Chorus, Settimio, Murena)
[38] ‘Ogni tormento, qual nebbia al vento’ (Argelia, Settimio, Murena, Chorus)

Press Reviews

“Rare Donizetti is a roaring success.”

The Times [about the concert]

The invention and beauty of the music are gripping… The voices of soprano Albina Shagimuratova (Argelia), baritone Nicola Alaimo (Murena) and Sergey Romanovsky (Settimio) engaged in thrilling interplay, energised but eloquent… At the end of the evening, Opera Rara convinced that there is much musical merit in Donizetti’s score.”

Opera Today [about the concert]

“The opera opens with a triumphant return, which very much describes the resurrection of this unfairly forgotten work – an opera packed with drama and terrific tunes.”

Bachtrack [about the concert]

A scintillating concert, and one that whets the appetite for Opera Rara’s recording of La Princesse de Trébizonde due out sometime next year.”

Musical America [about the concert]

“An admirable performance, full of stylish singing.”

Planet Hugill [about the concert]


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